Our Down East Story
We operate Commercial Forest Products, a wood products company based out of Fontana, California. Despite being in the lumber industry, we rarely visited the areas where our wood was coming from.
In Fall of 2013, we took a family trip to Maine. None of us traveled there before. It was mostly for recreation but I visited some lumber companies, too.
It was a great trip. We expected to love the landscape and Fall colors. However, the casual interactions we had with people we met in small towns were both memorable and heartfelt.
After that trip, we forged a strong connection with Maine, especially the Downeast region.
Five years later, we bought a home sight unseen in Washington County, 45 minutes away from Acadia National Park . Also, in 2018, we acquired a 146 acres of forestland in Harrington, Maine. As a result, we joined the Maine Woodlands Owners Association.
Although we live in the suburbs of California, being in Down East Maine keeps us grounded and close to nature. We’ve had breakthroughs and challenges but it’s been a fantastic journey so far! Although we are not Maine natives or even full-time residents, we feel a close connection with the community.
I can’t explain it. You just have to go and see for yourself.
Maine Terrain is where we post about being from away and enjoying the people and places of Down East Maine.
Recognition & Background
- ABC Channel 7 Featured Kool Kid (Molly)
- Memorial Day fixture and Friend of the Upland Animal Shelter. (Sadie)
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics. (Steve) Claremont McKenna College.
- Past President and Treasurer of the Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman’s Club. (Steve)
- Appeared in Breitbart UPI news story on the lumber industry with New Hampshire Congresswoman Annie Kuster
- Masters Degree in Curriculum and Instruction, Chapman University and State of California Teaching Credential. (Heidi)